Adult, Adolescent, and Child Psychiatrists located in Pasadena, CA


ADHD services offered in Pasadena, CA

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects children, teens, and adults, causing symptoms that affect their ability to succeed at school and work, make friends, and enjoy their best lives. The caring professionals at Anita Red, MD, help you overcome your ADHD challenges with medication management that restores balance and improves your symptoms. Board-certified adult and child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Red and her team offer in-person and telehealth appointments in Pasadena, California, and telehealth visits in the state of New York. Call the office or use online booking to schedule ADHD treatment and take the first step toward improving your life.


What is ADHD?

ADHD begins at an early age, as nerve connections in the brain develop differently than a neurotypical brain. These changes lead to the core challenges of ADHD: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

It’s important to know that ADHD originates in the brain for two reasons. First, brain activity leads to ADHD symptoms, not purposeful choices. And second, it also means children, teens, and adults with ADHD can improve.

Your Anita Red, MD, provider can prescribe medications that balance your brain chemistry. Most importantly, your brain doesn’t stop learning and building new nerve connections, which means you can learn skills that overcome ADHD.

What symptoms does ADHD cause?

Most children are diagnosed with ADHD around the time they enter school, but you may not be diagnosed until your teen or adult years. Additionally, about one-third of children continue to have symptoms throughout adulthood.

The symptoms depend on which of the three types of ADHD a person has:

Predominantly inattentive ADHD

Inattention includes daydreaming and not paying attention, along with other challenges. People who have inattentive ADHD are easily distracted, miss crucial details, and lose important items.

They also lack organizational skills, which affects home, school, and work life. Children and adults who have ADHD often forget tasks, or start but don’t finish them. They may also try to avoid activities that require sustained mental focus.

Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive ADHD

Hyperactive behaviors include frequently fidgeting, constantly moving, talking a lot, and interrupting others. People who have hyperactive ADHD may feel frustrated or annoyed if they must sit still or stay quiet.

Impulsive behaviors occur when you act without thinking about the consequences. Impulsive and hyperactive behaviors often overlap. For example, interrupting others may arise from both.

Combined ADHD

People with combined ADHD have symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

How is ADHD treated?

The Anita Red, MD, team specializes in medication management. They treat children, adolescents, and adults with stimulant and nonstimulant medications that significantly improve ADHD symptoms by balancing brain chemicals.

They explain your medication choices and how each medicine works, giving parents and adults the information needed to make the best decision. Your provider may recommend GeneSight® DNA testing to identify the medication that will work best for you or your child.   

You can overcome ADHD and improve your life at any age with treatment from the Anita Red, MD, team. Call the office today or use online booking to schedule a telehealth appointment.