
Adult, Adolescent, and Child Psychiatrists located in Pasadena, CA


Anxiety services offered in Pasadena, CA

Anxiety is a natural and beneficial response to everyday challenges, but 1 in 10 children and one-third of teens and adults become overwhelmed with fear and dread. The mental health professionals at Anita Red, MD, have extensive experience helping people overcome anxiety. Board-certified adult and child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Red and her team understand the unique challenges facing people in the multiracial and LGBTQ+ community and offer culturally sensitive anxiety care. Call or use online booking to schedule an in-person appointment in Pasadena, California, or request a telehealth visit if you live anywhere in California or New York state.

Anxiety Q&A

When should I seek help for anxiety?

Anxiety automatically alerts your brain and triggers a wave of hormonal changes in your body. This classic fight-or-flight response gives you the energy to deal with the anxiety-provoking situation. Then your mind and body relax, and your anxiety disappears. 

Your anxiety exceeds that natural response if you:

  • Have frequent or constant anxiety
  • Feel anxious without a current or anticipated challenge
  • Change your daily activities to avoid anxiety
  • Experience severe anxiety in response to a minor situation

These signs mean your brain can’t calm down. Instead, it stays on high alert, causing ongoing anxiety that can damage your mental and physical health. 

If you have any of the above signs, it’s time to connect with the Anita Red, MD, team to get help for your anxiety.

What type of anxiety disorder could I have?

Your anxiety could arise from any of the following anxiety disorders:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (ongoing worry over everyday issues and situations)
  • Panic disorder (sudden, recurring panic attacks)
  • Agoraphobia (fear of leaving the place where you feel safe)
  • Specific phobia (intense fear of one object, animal, or activity)
  • Social anxiety disorder (fear of new people, social events, or performing in front of others)
  • Separation anxiety disorder (extreme anxiety when apart from family or caregivers)

Separation anxiety disorder is common in childhood but can also develop in teens and adults.

What symptoms does anxiety cause? 

While each anxiety disorder has specific symptoms, they all cause similar problems, including:

  • Fear, worry, and dread
  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Excessive sweating
  • Panic attacks

Panic attacks come on suddenly and often mimic a heart attack, causing symptoms like a racing heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and dizziness.

How is anxiety treated?

After learning about your symptoms and medical history, your Anita Red, MD, provider recommends treatment based on the cause and severity of your symptoms and the type of anxiety.

Your provider may recommend therapy for mild anxiety. However, moderate to severe anxiety, panic attacks, and panic disorder typically need medication management with anti-anxiety medicines, antidepressants, or other medications.

In some cases, your provider may suggest GeneSight® DNA testing, which identifies the medications that work best with your metabolism.

Don’t wait to seek help from the caring team at Anita Red, MD, if you feel overwhelmed by anxiety. Call the office today or connect online to schedule an appointment.