
Adult, Adolescent, and Child Psychiatrists located in Pasadena, CA


Telehealth services offered in Pasadena, CA

Telehealth delivers the same level of care you would get in the office, giving you the psychiatric care you need without the stress of time away from work, finding babysitters, or fighting traffic on the way to the office. You can receive comprehensive medication management through virtual visits with Anita Red, MD, and the psychiatric team at her practice, Anita Red, MD. Their board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrists offer telehealth appointments to people throughout California and the state of New York. Call or connect through online booking today to request your virtual visit.

Telehealth Q&A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth delivers psychiatric care online, providing medication management for children, teens, and adults, while you relax at home (or wherever you happen to be).

With a smartphone, tablet, or computer and an internet connection, you can meet with your Anita Red, MD, provider through a virtual videoconference and receive the same quality of care as you would in the office.

When can I use telehealth?

You can choose telehealth to receive psychiatric care for any mental health condition, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Panic attacks
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Psychiatric conditions caused by physical illness

No matter what mental health challenge you or your child face, your Anita Red, MD, provider offers thoughtful, comprehensive psychiatric treatment through telehealth.

What services can I receive through telehealth?

You can get all of your psychiatric services through telehealth. The team takes a whole-person approach, ensuring you receive exceptional mental and physical health.

By evaluating your overall health, your provider can recommend other services, treatments, and lifestyle changes to support your well-being.

The telehealth services offered by the Anita Red, MD, team include:

Initial psychiatric evaluation and diagnosis

During your first telemedicine visit, your provider reviews your medical history, learns about your current symptoms, and completes a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation. They may also ask you to complete a simple questionnaire before your visit to note your emotional and behavioral challenges.

After diagnosing your mental health condition, your provider recommends a treatment plan. They take care of medication and refer you for non-medical services as needed.

Medication management

You can get prescriptions for all psychiatric medications through telehealth visits. Your provider sends the prescription to your local pharmacy electronically.

If you take medication, your provider schedules routine follow-up visits to keep track of your health and determine if you need medication changes to improve your results.

DNA testing

Your provider sends the kit to your home if you choose to have genetic testing. The kit contains everything you need to swab a sample inside your cheek and mail the sample to GeneSight®. 

They evaluate your DNA, obtaining information about how you metabolize psychiatric medications and whether your risk of side effects is higher for any specific medication.

Call Anita Red, MD, today or use online booking to request a telehealth appointment and begin psychiatric treatment that supports your mental health.