
Adult, Adolescent, and Child Psychiatrists located in Pasadena, CA


Depression services offered in Pasadena, CA

It’s hard to reach out for help when you’re depressed, but the caring professionals at Anita Red, MD, make it easier by offering telehealth services. Experienced adult and child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Red and her team can help you overcome depression and other mood disorders with medication management. The team welcomes people from the multiracial and LGBTQ+ community who face many challenges that increase their risk for depression. Call the office to schedule an in-person appointment in Pasadena, California, or request a telehealth appointment if you live anywhere in California or the state of New York.

Depression Q&A

What causes depression?

Many people fall into depression when facing a life challenge like losing their job, separating from their partners, or learning they have a serious illness.

You can just as easily become depressed over daily challenges like discrimination, social isolation, bullying, and even stress, especially when they don’t improve.

Sometimes, feelings of sadness and hopelessness take hold without an apparent cause.

The reason you’re depressed doesn’t affect your need for treatment. Depression lasting two weeks or longer won’t improve on its own, no matter the cause. Without treatment, your symptoms may worsen and last longer.

What symptoms does depression cause?

Whether your depression is mild or severe, you experience several of the following symptoms:

  • Feeling sad, hopeless, and worthless (depressed)
  • Losing interest in your favorite activities
  • Gaining or losing weight 
  • Having trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Moving slowly and aimlessly
  • Feeling drained of energy (lethargic)
  • Struggling to concentrate
  • Thinking about death or suicide

You could also feel numb and lack emotions and may occasionally feel agitated and restless.

How is depression related to mood disorders?

Depression is one of several mood disorders. Mood disorders may cause low energy and depression, high energy and mania, or both.

The most common mood disorders include:

Major depressive disorder (MDD)

MDD causes the symptoms listed above nearly all day, every day for at least two weeks.

Peripartum depression

Peripartum depression (postpartum depression) is a subtype of MDD that begins during pregnancy or after delivering a baby.

Bipolar disorders (bipolar I, bipolar II, and cyclothymic disorders)

Bipolar I disorder is defined by severe mood swings between mania and MDD. Bipolar II disorder causes episodes of MDD and hypomania (the same symptoms as mania but milder).

Cyclothymic disorder causes mild depression and hypomania, but you have frequent mood swings that last two years or longer.

Mania and hypomania symptoms include feeling elated with non-stop energy, talking rapidly, and having racing thoughts.

How are depression and mood disorders treated?

The skilled Anita Red, MD, team has years of experience providing medication management for people who have depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders.

While people with depression usually take antidepressants until their mood improves, those with bipolar disorder need to stay on antipsychotics to stabilize their mood and prevent future mood swings.

Call Anita Red, MD, today or book online to begin treatment that improves depression or stabilizes your mood.